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Statement Of Purpose For The Song Here

Throughout the third cycle in MAD, we focused on writing about either social or political issues that are prevalent in today’s society. The song “Here”, when just read can come off as either a cry for help or a demand for someone to listen. When in reality, it is really both. There are some parts that are saying this is hard and I’m doing it on my own. The other parts are giving of a sense of being strong by requesting the need for understand or trying to. This song is for people who have been told and are still being told that the things that severely affect their health and daily life aren’t valid, or real, or even a good enough excuse. People are tell them what they feel is just them being lazy, or hormones,, or so many other things. When they themselves know how real it is and how crippling it can be. My purpose and goal for writing this song is to reach people and hopefully let them know they aren’t alone in their suffering or in their pain. With social media and films, depression and other mental health issues are either being romanticized or even just out down and not talked about in serious manner. Teens are being told through these social media outlets or movies that mental illnesses are not normal to experience and therefore will not be addressed with the proper attention that is necessary. There are so many teens out there either not being allowed to get the help or because they can’t afford something that SHOULD be free and given to those who need it. If a person doesn’t have money to help them cover the cost of a therapist or a physiatrist. So that they can help them be able to function in a day to day life be that at home or at school or at work, shouldn't be a valid reason to turn them away. What pushed me to write this song was when a family member wouldn't listen to me and kept saying that what I was feeling was just hormones and to just eat better. Growing up with people who were raised with the thought of mental illness being just an excuse. So when I was stuck in my room with no one to turn to and no one to listen to what I had to say and how much I was suffering. I had to look within and do it alone. Only after something happened that risked my life was when I was given some help and that wasn't even decided by my family members. Kids look to their family for confirmation and love and comfort. If they look and aren’t given any they turn into themselves and its harder for them to express emotion when they’re older and its harder to talk to others about what is going on. This is happening to so many people around the world and I just want to be kind of a ray of light to somehow hold their hand while they’re alone and to just let them know I’ve felt the same thing they’re going through. That they can demand for help, they don’t have to wait around for someone to ask if they need it. When writing this song I had a few major roadblocks, I got stuck because I needed to be able to grab the thought of how to not let people drag them down and to stand for themselves. I also needed to get the idea of how I’ve been feeling about my own situation so others can relate to it. I chose the beat because it really had a low chill vibe to it and I felt like I could get my point across. This song overall is just a hand reaching out to people, mostly teens, to let them know so many people are going through something and they aren’t alone in the fact that people aren’t really listening. I hope this song can connect people together and just make people feel safe.  

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