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Lyrics Analysis

​You say

It’s in my head

Get over it

I’m acting up

Please listen

People have a strong tendency to discredit your feelings, accuse you or invalidate the things you think. When people say that what I’m feeling isn’t valid and to get over it feels like they don’t care enough about me to really listen to what I’m saying.

My mind isn’t yours

So don’t try to tell me what I feel

Your feelings aren’t mine

So don’t compare everybody’s got their thing

So many people try to tell me or other people what it is I feel and what is going on in my head. Me and probably so many other people are getting told how they feel because they aren’t believed when they try to talk about what’s going on with them.

Hook x2

I’m here

We’re here

Everybody’s here and we’re figuring it out

This is kind of like a validation saying that I am a person with my own thoughts and feelings and they are valid. Everyone has something they’re dealing with but we’re all still here and we’re doing our best to figure it out.

So just give me some time

So don’t blame me for leaving some times

It’s hard to figure things out on my own x2

Everyone needs time for their own way of healing and coping. If I can’t do something because my body won’t listen please don’t make it seem like I don’t want to do it or I could care less because I do care I just can’t get out of bed or eat something or do the basic human functions without feeling terrible. Some people don’t have the resources or aren’t granted them when they need them so having to deal with it on their own can be ailing and confusing and tiring because not only do they have to deal with themselves and how to get by each day but also having to deal with others accusing them of things they have no control over.

so Don’t try to tear me down and don’t

say I’m feeling this cause I’m not

No one should think telling someone, they know is going through something, to get over it or to man up and stop being lazy. People just think that since they have never felt the emotion someone is describing to them means it isn't real and should not be taken into account. Just because it is not prevalent in your world does not mean it isn't something that weighs someone down everyday.

It’s not in my head so don’t try to tell me what I’m feel

I’m here x4

Were here

you’re here

everybody’s here and we’re figuring it out

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