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A Great Big Thank You

Thank you for this amazing experience. I’ve learned so much about making music and learning to how to appreciate how much work goes into creating it. Thank you Maria for letting me be a part of this internship, which is really more like a big ol’ family. Thank you Alex for helping me get my bearings and being there when I needed someone to talk to about something that was troubling me. Thank you Ben for sitting down with us and getting the best from us because you were able to see it when even we couldn't. Thank you Robert for coming in and explaining all the technicals of music and being a part of our songs.

MAD Academy has really been something special and I hope to be able to be a part of it again so I can learn more and create so much more. Everyone who’s helped and been a part of this has made my love for music grow so much more. When I didn't even know it could! Thank you!

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