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The Science of Music pt 2

The human range of hearing is 20 to 20,000 Hertz

Infrasound is all frequencies below 20 Hertz.

Consonants are sound waves the are made up of sound waves being produced at the same time and is soft on the ears. The opposite of this is called a dissonant.The difference between two pitches and make up consonants is called an interval. Octaves are set of 8 whole notes.Decibels are used to measure the exact intensity of the sound waves. 0dB is the faintest sound a human ear can pick and also labels the threshold of hearing. the scale of decibels goes but my 10 so for example when a sound frequency is 100 the dB rating is at 60. The human ear can and will ruptur when the sound wave is one billion times more intense than the human threshold of hearing.

Ear canal: The tube running from the outer ear to the middle ear. It’s use is to direct vibrations to the inner ear for the brain to comprehend sounds.

Ear flap: Protects the inner ear to prevent damage from sound waves

Middle Ear: The three small bones inside are called the hammer, anvil, and stirrup, They transmit vibrations into the inner ear. The bones form the shape of a bridge in the ear. The eardrum is a thin tightly stretched membrane that vibrates with the incoming pressure waves that reach it.

Inner ear: This contains the cochlea, the semicircular canals, and the auditory nerve. The cochlea and the semicircular canals are filled with a water-like substance to help accelerate the movements and maintain balance.

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