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The Science Of Music pt 1

Sound waves are disturbances that move energy from one space to another flowing traveling through a specific medium. The three types of waves are; mechanical,pressure, or a longitudinal wave. A longitudinal wave is a wave that when the medium is used it is parallel to the direction of the energy being moved in a horizontal direction. A mechanical wave a medium is essential for the wave to be possible. A pressure wave is made up of high and low changes in pressure areas made in a medium, this occurs in periodic time.

  1. A frequency of a wave is how much the medium particles vibrate. Hertz are the units of measurement so 1 Hertz is 1 vibration.

  2. The importance of an artist knowing the science of music is so that they can have a better understanding of what they’re making so that the final product is exactly the way they pictured it while writing. Knowing the science of music as a human being alone is important because then you can really grasp how much work was put into changing a song to fit and feel right.

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